TWC Wiki

For months members of The Wednesday Crew saw posters describe a stray cat in the hillside area.

  • One day a cat that looked just as the poster cat looked made its way into Mike King's backyard.
  • Mike proceeded to name the cat Mudkip
  • In a emotionally touching scene that rivals that of the pokemon episode where ash had to give up butterfree Mike did the right thing and returned Mudkip to his rightful owners
  • A few days later the cat returned to Mike King's home looking hungry and desperate for food
  • Mike bought some cat nip and proceeded to feed the hungry pussy
  • Mike once again did the right thing and returned the cat to its rightful owners
  • A few days passed and the cat returned to Mike Kings House
  • Mudkip Mike and the owners played a cat and mouse game (no pun intended) over the course of a few months passing this cat back and forth
  • Then one day the posters for the missing cat were taken down however Brandon Sodhi spotted a dead cat on the road that may or may not have been Mudkip
  • Months later Mike would learn that the dead cat was infact his beloved Mudkip and proceeded to call the owners "ungrateful bastards"